Sauve qui peut...
Commentaire du journaliste
You've never seen anything like this. Extremely strong winds at the USAF Academy Airfield in Colorado Springs, Colorado, caused a dangerous emergency situation for pilots of four tow planes sitting on the tarmac as a 55-knot spring gust front swept across the airport recently.
Two of the four pilots were forced to take to the air or risk having their Piper Super Cubs flipped over as bystanders jumped onto the wings of gliders to keep them on the ground.
The video, filmed from the control tower, was captured this past April 23 as students prepared for glider lessons at the mountain airport, where strong winds can start without warning.
Nobody was injured and all the airplanes involved managed to get through the ordeal safely.
Suit une quiche en English, mais pas de bobo, pas d'avion endommagé quoique... vent de 55knt décollage immédiat pour éviter de voir les Cub sur le dos.
La vidéo a été filmé de la tour de contrôle au mois d'avril ou 23 élèves de l'USAF étaient en stage planeur à Colorado Spring,
Si des performer veulent traduire avec exactitude...