Optima 200 Ven 17 Oct 2008 - 18:50
Voila une photo de ce à quoi devrait ressembler la future aile de l'optima.
On voit l' aileron de profil et effectivement ça ressemble à ce qu'on trouve sur les avions modernes ...
C'est pas évident mais on devine le longeron de l'aileron ou vient se fixer l'axe de charnière!
C'est très en arrière par rapport à ce que je connais qui se situe autour de 20% de la corde de l'aileron.
A noter que les aileron son lestés dans le Bord d'attaque pour l'équilibrage et que le profil ne dépasse que très peu de ceului de l'aile !!!
D'autre par les espaces à respecter sont de 5 mm au neutre et 1.5mm en butée (tolérance 1/10 )
Ci joint un article sur le sujet ... en anglais désolé ...!!
Mais l'optima il est bien Français ...
The big Hartzell three-blade is standard equipment. Note the new gear leg profile. It looks like spring gear but isn't. |
The Master's InfluenceSince selling his share of the company, Curtis has hardly been sitting idle. One of his more significant design efforts has been the Model 11 Super Stinker. It was on this airplane that he introduced the innovative ailerons and wing that produced super high roll rates (350 degrees/second plus) and low aileron pressures while still maintaining a reasonable level of break-out force so that it wasn't difficult to find neutral. And he did all of this without spades! It was this so-called "Super Stinker Technology" that he brought to Horn's S-2C project.
As with most of Curtis' work, the new ailerons are deceptively simple, but wildly effective. Basically, they are nothing more than symmetrical ailerons (about 16 percent thicker than the wing at that point) hinged well back (about 23 percent), so they present nothing radically new. However, he shaped the nose of the ailerons in such a way that in the area of neutral, the aileron gap is sizable, but as the ailerons are deflected, the gap closes until they are effectively gap-sealed at full deflection. Then, to make things even better, he squared off the wingtips (much to the horror of Pitts aficionados) and ran the ailerons out even further for more roll rate. Like I said -deceptively simple and effective.
A+ Fred